Pop-up Politicians
Here's something pretty neat, courtesy of the Sunlight Foundation, via TPM Cafe. It's a pop-up window for political blogs:
I was not able to get it to work, but give it time and we may start seeing these all over the place.
The Pop-Up Politician is a widget (an AJAX-based bit of code) that adds mini-profiles of Members of Congress to a web page that appear when you run your mouse over the link.
The links inside the Pop-Up go to the Member's page in Congresspedia (which is a wiki that Sunlight helped create that includes a great deal of factual and critical information on each Member), to their career campaign finance profile page on OpenSecrets.org, and to their current voting record as tracked by the Washington Post's Votes Database. To see an example of the Pop-Ups in action, go here.
I was not able to get it to work, but give it time and we may start seeing these all over the place.